Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dogs Snarling Together

I thought this was an interesting essay. There are many aspects about trade that a person must take into account. Trade is not just an easy “Black and White” area. The textile are one of many areas that are affected by trade policies, and depending on what way we’re controlling trade, there are both positive and negative factors.
After reading the essay, I realized that there were pros and cons to the decisions made towards trade. America likes to have free trade, but when American industries suddenly start hurting due to imports this causes conflicts. As mentioned in the essay, past presidents such as Richard Nixon made deals with textiles in order to gain votes. The textile industry is a huge part of the Southwestern part of the U.S., so the fact that the textiles remain there is essential for some Southern communities. The textiles provide jobs, and when they close, people have a hard time making ends meet in that community. It is essential to keep business in the U.S., but it is also key to allow foreign trade as well.
However, even though it is important to keep some industry in the U.S. for jobs, there are other factors that must be considered when allowing imports into the U.S. For example, relations with other countries must be considered. When making this decision, restricting trade from one specific country could potentially result in hard feelings leading to say a war. Or if you allow too much trade from a country over another, the neglected country could become angered. In the essay, it mentioned that trade relations with Japan were temporarily altered so that they would not fall to the Communists. In some circumstances, increased foreign trade with specific countries can be beneficial.
Another factor that must be considered is that by spending money in a third world country allows the country to improve itself. More money could mean that sewers and plumbing, which we take for granted, could be built in those countries. The overall life of a country could potentially improve as well with increased foreign trade because it creates more jobs and brings in more money. Creating more jobs, does however unfortunately mean that “Sweatshops” could potentially come about employing children. Having these children work has both good and bad results. The positive being that the children will be off the streets, but the negative could mean that they are potentially overworked. Buying the exports from countries increases their gain, and has some good effects.
Imports are a very touchy issue as the essay discussed. The pros and cons of trade are infinite as well as the results. Importing goods means that we are supporting another country which provides them with more money for improvements. Not only are we allowing other countries to improve, we are also strengthening relationships. On the other end of the spectrum, importing goods does mean that we are not keeping our money in the U.S. for our own improvements. I guess this continuous issue will never be resolved, and depending on each point in time the amount of imports will change depending on both U.S. and foreign needs.

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